Whistle Down the Wind - Casting
25th November 2012
Following the auditions on 25th November 2012 we are pleased to announce that the cast of Whistle Down the Wind will be as follows:
THE MAN - Chris Pacitti
SWALLOW - Jennifer Connah
AMOS - Richard Cannon
CANDY - Sara Haynes
BOONE - Rob Poston
EDWARD - Tony Lacey
SHERIFF - Derrick Fear
DEPUTY - Damian Riverol
EARL - Dominic Melluish
MINISTER - Andy Nickson
SNAKE PREACHER - Norman Richards
BRATT - Amelia Douggie
POOR BABY - Seren Dovey-Evans
CHILDREN - Leah Dovey-Evans
- Ella Busow
- Alex Pendleton
- Heather Bunning
- Michael Dean
- Megan Brocklehurst
- Ellie Sansom
- Charlie Mundy
- Bethany Cox
- Jed Young
- Farrah Hughes
- Rachel Devaney
- Beth Lacey
- Charlotte Allmond
- Sian Devaney
- Jessica Astbury
- Lucy Hickman-Germon
- Joshua Boyd
The first rehearsal for all cast, including chorus, is Monday 3rd December 2012, 7:30 at Rivacre Valley Primary School.